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2nd Life Guards Regiment 1815

 Hello friends, 

so I have been painting a small present for a friend that's interested in the Waterloo battle. I got a free sprue of the Household Brigade in one of the Wargames Illustrated magazines and so the decision had been made. After some research around the web for good examples of the uniforms I managed to paint this little diorama.


  1. Huzzah!
    Bardzo ładna mikro diormaka! :-)

  2. Great job, Piotr. I love the details like the wounded rider with the pistol, the wildflowers in the base, and the highlights in the horse's musculature. So many times we just see people just paint horses a general bown and then spend more time on the equipment,dsaddle, and of course the rider. I'm sure your friend will love the gift,

    Now ... what did you paint for ME this Christmas? :)

    1. Hello Jim,
      thank you for the kind words :) I hope he does. As for your present it is actually not a bad idea. What about starting something like this for SITREP members next year? ;) As for this year... well I'll be at the show tomorrow :D

  3. Kwietna łąką. Ładnie to wszystko skomponowane.


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