Hello there, so I have painted this mausoleum from Multiverse Gaming Terrain . I tried to match it more or less with the gaming mat. Cześć i czołem, pomalowałem takie oto mauzoleum od Multiverse Gaming Terrain . Starałem się, żeby pasowało do maty, na której zresztą stoi.
Epic Mirages! Often these companies go down one scale for fixed-wing aircraft. So for a 15mm / 1:100 game like Team Yankee, are these 10mm / 1:144?
OdpowiedzUsuńI think these were the same GENERAL type of aircraft that were fighting the British down in the Falklands (Argentinians were using Mirage III / Dagger Vs ... These might me Mirage 2000s? Not sure).
Not sure about the scale. The manufacturer is Battlefront.
UsuńYup, Argentina was using the Mirage 5 that they have bought from Israel and they were code named Dagger with the latter upgrade known as Fingers. They lost 11 Daggers during the Falklands war.