Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community.
Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes.
Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes.
Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press
- Insider 04-24-2018 Getting the most mileage out of the Man-O-War Charriots,
- Insider 04-26-2018 Armored Corps Dynamic Update Live,
- Insider 04-27-2018 Caster Draft 2018
- Dev Hangout Exemplar CID,
- TDH60M #104 Chris Orr vs SOO Themes,
- Advanced Maneuvers Turn Extension #63 Fantastical Slayers and how to fight them,
- Line of Sight #43 Warmachine Social Media Survival Guide,
- The Meta #9 Grymkin with Pat Dunford,
- Signs and Portents #9 Car Dojo,
- Dark Guidance #27 Vlad is the Oprah of Warmachine,
- Battle Driven S3Ep3 Cryx and BAHI,
- Dominate for Two KingdomCon Recap,
- Fear the Swan #4 Haley3 builds,
- Party Foul The New Khador,
- Muse on Minis MoM's Podcast #340 how to learn from losses,
- WarRoom PL Ashlynn vs Abby1, Barnaba2 vs Abby1,
- Advanced Maneuvers Severius vs Rask,
- Deathclock Dave Stryker2 vs Iron Mother,
- Let's Try PoM Amon vs Haley1, Amon vs Ossrum,
- Line of Sight Durst vs Grim Angus, Severius1 vs Maelok,
- WarRoom PL WMH Szczecin Meeting #17,
- Avatar of Slaughter Building a Khador Pairing: Into the wild,
- Lost Hemisphere Black Ogrun Smog Belchers, Blood, Eye, Fire, Hand, Scourge,
- Wargaming with LuckGod Void Leech's, Bull Snapper,
- Let's Try PoM Master Class tournament in Poznań 28-29 April,
- Line of Sight Tactical Tips: How to play against long threat ranges, A Scrub's Journey to greatness: How to get in the zone, Trophy Kill One - The Storm Raptor,
- Małe Figurkowo Major Prime Victoria Haley,
- Formula P3 Presents Get your paint on! Hollow Holden, Hobby Ergonomics,
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Miniature of the week Bog Trog Mistspeaker by Niko Nieminen |
Duzo, dużo dobrego!
OdpowiedzUsuńCo tydzień coś się uzbiera :)