Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community.
Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes.
Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes.
Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press
- Insider 12-04-2017 Hooch Hauler
- Insider 12-06-2017 ADR Season 7,
- Weekly Rumble Company of Iron,
- MiniCrate Mold Destruction 2,
- Advanced Maneuvers Turn Extension #55 B.E.D. Battle Engine Debate,
- Line of Sight #24 Using Vassal
- Party Foul #33 Alex Dunn joins the crew, New ADR and Battle Report,
- Fully Boosted #64 New ADR,
Battle Reports/Raporty Bitewne
- WarRoom PL Dr Arkadius vs Aurora, Calaban vs Thyra, Stryker1 vs Stryker1,
- Arcane Assist Old Witch2 vs Reznik2,
- Advanced Maneuvers Makeda3 vs Exulon,
- Not Snakes Gaming Thyra vs Zaal2,
- Should've Turned Left Maelok vs Kaelyssa,
- Warp Machine Una1 vs Child1, Wurmwood vs Irusk1,
- Avatar of Slaughter Kommandant Kratikof, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the assasination run,
- Phoenix Protocol Back to Nationals,
- WarRoom PL WMH Szczecin Meeting #4,
- Line of Sight Strategy Guide - Units part1, Never Surrender - Never Give Up, Meaningful and Deliberate Practice, ADR Season7 First Reactions, Protectorate ADR Season 7,
- Wargaming with LuckGod Steelhead Halberdiers Painted, Gunfighter Explained,
- Formula P3 Presents Get your Paint On! Barnabas, Lord of Blood, Worn Metal,
- Gatorman Dave Slick Spine and Gub Gatorman Soul Slave Unboxing, Barnabas Lord of Blood Unboxing,
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Miniature of the week Siege Animantarax by K.C. Holt |
Aleś Pan wybrał bydle na model tygodnia! :D
OdpowiedzUsuńDzięki z podsumowanie, fajnie że scena Warmahordes jest aktywna. :)
Dzięki za kolejne podsumowanie :)