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Battle Report #3 Cygnar Major Victoria Haley vs PoM Servath Reznik

Hello friends,
time for another battle report and this time it's Haley2 versus Reznik2, 75tps SR2017 game. We played at Martini's place. The scenario was Recon II. The lists were as follows:

War Room Army
Cygnar - H2 Hurricane fun
Theme: Heavy Metal
3 / 3 Free Cards     74 / 75 Army
Stockpile - Steamroller Objective
Major Victoria Haley - WJ: +25
-    Squire - PC: 0
-    Hurricane - PC: 39 (Battlegroup Points Used: 25)
-    Ironclad - PC: 12
-    Thorn - PC: 13
Journeyman Warcaster - PC: 0
-    Firefly - PC: 8
Lieutenant Allison Jakes - PC: 0
-    Stormclad - PC: 18
Captain Arlan Strangewayes - PC: 4
Field Mechaniks - Crew Chief & 5 Grunts: 5
THEME: Heavy Metal

Servath Reznik, Wrath of Ages - WJ: +29
-    Madelyn Corbeau, Ordic Courtesan - PC: 4
-    Scourge of Heresy - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 16)
-    Templar - PC: 15 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)

Wrack - PC: 1
Wrack - PC: 1
Nicia, Tear of Vengeance - PC: 0
Pyrrhus, Flameguard Hero - PC: 0

Choir of Menoth - Leader & 3 Grunts: 4
Flame Bringers - Leader & 4 Grunts: 17
Flameguard Cleansers - Leader & 9 Grunts: 15
-    Flameguard Cleanser Officer - PC: 0
Temple Flameguard - Leader & 9 Grunts: 11
Daughters of the Flame - Leader & 5 Grunts: 10
Daughters of the Flame - Leader & 5 Grunts: 10

THEME: Guardians of the Temple

I have deployed my Hurricane and Firefly on the right and the rest of the force on the left side of the table. The plan was to destroy as much infantry as possible with the Hurricane and Firefly in order to secure the right zone and flag and hold the line on the left side. Here's the deployment with the mechanics outside the picture. Martini got one unit of Daughters in ambush. He won the roll.

So the first round went well for me. My opponent run up the board with his units. I moved the Hurricane in order to be within shooting range of the Temple Flameguard and started pounding them with guns killing quite a number. The Firefly moved with Temporal Acceleration and all but one of the Daughters. The rest of my jacks run into position. Firefly got Arcane Shield and Stormclad got Sidekick.

After Round 1
During his second turn Martini moved all he could up to block me on the right side with the remaining Daughter behind Junior...

 Nicia got some hits into Thorn and Phyrrus got a few boxes on the Hurricane. The Daughters that were in ambush came from the left side of the table and moved to block my units. Martini forgot to activate his cavalry. I missed that part too with such a big infantry spam. Ok, so the Hurricane kept pounding the remaining Temple FG but also scored a hit on the Templar. Firefly killed the ones blocking him. Haley dominated the Templar in via Thorn but a bad roll and the jack did not his his master. Oh well, at least he was not going to charge or anything. Haley used her feat. Anyway, I made a mistake with Thorn by repositioning his out of the zone. This mistake did cost me the game since I gave Martini 2 points for free... The jacks and solos on the left killed most of the Daughters blocking them. Junior also managed to kill the Daughter stalking him. It was 0:2 points wise.
After Round 2
Not much work could Martini do under the feat so he only moved up a bit, blocked on the right and charged with the cavalry on the left side doing some dmg to Ironclad and Stormclad. There was not much I could do my turn in order to stop him from scoring so I only killed his cavalry, some of the remaining guard on the right and that was it. I lost on scenario.
Game end. Hands of Menoth on the table.
Well it has been a blast. I did not lose a single model while at the same time almost almost whiping out the entire Protectorate force. It does not matter since I lost on scenario by making one stupid mistake of moving out of the zone with Thorn. Well, maybe some better luck next time. :) 


  1. Musisz mieć chyba urlop. Szybki i Wściekły we wpisach :)

  2. Gdybyś dał zdjęcia z tego raportu na fb, rozpętałoby się piekło...

    1. Czekam na troll Mańka z otwartymi ramionami :) A tak na poważnie to niestety Maszynka ma to do siebie, że gra się głównie na płasko, nie licząc murków, czasami na terenie 2d reprezentującym las stawia się kilka drzewek, a do tego jakieś 3d domki i flagi/objectivy jeśli są. Tłumacz się to koniecznością precyzyjnego mierzenia, bo to taki uber turniejowy ETC/WTC system jest ;-) Niestety, ubolwem nad tym bardzo, praktycznie nie gra się ostatnio chyba nic poza 75pkt turniejowy Steam Roller. A szkoda, ta gra ma dużo do zaoferowania na mniejszych punktach ;-) ale spoko pracuję nad tym, żeby coś ruszyć, przynajmniej w okolicy z większą ilością terenów 3d i może jakimś fluffowym czymś ala kampania, chociaż szanse na powodzenie marne. Tak czy siak można zrobić fany stół 2d jak np z naszego lokalnego turnieju z zeszłego roku

    2. Możemy zagrać następnym rasem namniejsze pkty.

      Gra staje sie bardziej wymagająca taktycznie, każdy stracony model to spory kawałek armii.
      Jest spora różnica w utracie 15 pkt modelu przy grze na 75 pkt a przy grze na 15 pkt.

      Faktem jest, że mniejsza ilość modeli i zasad pozwala łatwiej to wszystko ogarnąć.

    3. Spoko Marcin, mi pasuje 75pkt jakie gramy, natomiast myślę nad jakąś kampanią fluffową, gdzie będzie do rozgrania z 3-5 potyczek, może z rozrastającymi się siłami. :)

  3. Ładna bitewka, choć nie ukrywam, że takie stoły to mnie bolą w oczy :)


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