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Battle Report #1: Cygnar Lord Commander Stryker vs PoM Servath Reznik

Hi guys,
so finally I have managed to find some time for a game after something like a month of stalemate. My opponent was Martini and he brought his Protectorate of Menoth army. I of course, went with Cygnar. We decided earlier that we want to play a 50 pts game. Here are the army lists. 

Protectorate of Menoth 
Theme: No Theme Selected
50 / 50 Army

Servath Reznik, Wrath of Ages - WJ: +29
-    Madelyn Corbeau, Ordic Courtesan - PC: 4
-    Scourge of Heresy - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 16)
-    Reckoner - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 13)

Allegiant of the Order of the Fist - PC: 3
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist - PC: 3
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor - PC: 5
Vassal Mechanik - PC: 1
Wrack - PC: 1
Wrack - PC: 1

Choir of Menoth - Leader & 3 Grunts: 4
Visgoth Juviah Rhoven & Honor Guard - Rhoven, Gius & Cassian: 9
Exemplar Errants - Leader & 9 Grunts: 16

Theme: Storm Division
1 / 1 Free Cards     48 / 50 Army
Stockpile - Steamroller Objective
Lord Commander Stryker - WJ: +28
-    Squire - PC: 0
-    Stormclad - PC: 18 (Battlegroup Points Used: 18)
-    Defender - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 10)
Captain Arlan Strangewayes - PC: 4
Journeyman Warcaster - PC: 4
-    Charger - PC: 9
Stormblade Captain - PC: 5
Storm Lances - Leader & 4 Grunts: 20

The army I am playing here lacks a 2 point filler and I am thinking on dropping the Defender and taking another Stormclad in his place. Anyways, this is what we took to the table. The scenario was Standoff from the upcoming Steam Roller 2017 package. Martini went first and the game commenced.
So, the plan was to push in the central part of the board and shoot whatever gets near while contesting the zone on the right and trying to score on the left. I have been playing Stryker2 for the first time and so it was wondering how he manages against them pesky fire loving fanatics. The first round consited mainly of running and my shooting. With a not so smart placement of Stryker, Martini managed to shoot and hit him with the Errants causing 5 pts of damage. Yet, he was short 3 Exemplars and a Wrack after the first one with Rebuke sitting on his unit of Exemplars.
After the First Round

Martini's second turn was moving around the rebuked Exemplars who managed to cause some light damage to the Charger on the left and hit the Captain and that was it from them. Reckoner shot and damaged the Stormclad. Oh, his second Wrack exploded. My Stormclas had Evasive from Arlans so he repositioned after one of the attacks to get into melee with the Exemplars. Of course he cast some spells not allowing me to shoot at his jacks with non magical attacks and cast Lamentation.
In my turn the Stormclad wrecked havoc on the Exemplars leaving none alive on the right flank and the Defender puched a hole in the Scourge of Heresy causing some minor damage. The Charger killed what was left of the Examplars and the Stormlances killed the Allegiant with eleaps.

After Second Round
Third turn got interesting with both of PoM jacks getting straight into my face almost completely destroying the Stormclad and the Defender. They both got their cortexes crippled. Reznik killed one Lance and repositioned keeping Parlay in play all the time. I have also lost my objective thanks to the Honour Guard. &Co. In return, after repairing the Defender with Arlan I have managed to take out the Scourge, kill all the solo unit, Orin, the last Allegiant and almost kill the Reckoner, most thanks to Stryker's Feat which allowed me to get more punched to his army. Yet, Martini started scoring points which was bad and I had no idea how to stop him.

After the Third Round
During his last turn Martini killed the Stormclad and one of the choir boys shoved sown the Menofix on the Captain's head killing him in the moment of glory just seconds after ha managed to stab the Reckner for 10 pts of damage in the back. Reznik killed two more lances and repositioned to score some points. I had no chances to contest the zones he had occupied so was hoping to kill that damn Reckoner sitting in my zone, my guys gangbaned him but the jack managed to prevail somehow and so I have lost 8 to 3.
After the Fourth Round
All in all, it was a fun game to play. It has been my 3rd or maybe 4th game using the SR2017 rules and I must say I have enjoyed it quite a bit. I did lose the control of the table which Martini used swiftly to his advantage and of course I made a few mistakes like putting the Lances on the wrong side of the table, but maybe next time Cygnar will be victorious! 


  1. Looking great! And cool in terms of mechanics this game is? ;))

    1. Thanks Michał :) Of course it is, it's a blogger comments box so I cannot post a picture of Boromir to show precise it is :D

    2. Boromir with glued fingers? ;)

  2. Dużo specjalistycznych informacji.. Jako ignorant w temacie pozostałem trochę zdezorientowany...


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