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Giant Rats and brushes

after a while I have finally managed to finish the giant rats from the old GW metal line (mine were dated 2003). I must admit that they were fun to paint and are also bigger than their plastic counterparts that I have painted a year ago or so (I need to publish the pics along with the pack masters) So, here are the pics and below you will find some info about how I have painted them and some small advert of new brushes from Poland available at

So now the paint scheme (GW paint only):
1) I used my spray gun for the first time to under coat them abaddon black.
2) I have drybrushed the criters fur with mournfang brown.
3) Skin parts (including bubbles) have been painted using cadian fleshtone, a few thin layers.
4) Teeth ushabti bone.
5) Everything has been washed with reikland fleshshade.
6) Another layer of cadian fleshtone has been used to highlight the skin leaving the darker shade in the recesses. Plus the bubbles have been highlated and finished of with kislev flesh. I have also painted the stripes on the tails.
7) The fur was highlighted with a 70/30drybrush mix of mournfang brown/skull white.
8) Eyes painted 50/50 mix of Khorne red/flash gitz yellow.
And that is it.

Now, I would like to recommend to you some new really high quality brushes straight out of Poland, but no worries their website of is available in English. You can also find them on facebook. Apart from selling brushes they also have some paint in stock but I cannot say anything about them yet. And the brushes I have used them to paint the skin on the giant rats and I must say that so far so good. Here are some pics of my order.


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