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Wyświetlanie postów z 2020

Podsumowanie 2020

Czołem,  rok 2020 był ciekawy. Nie z figurkowych powodów. Raczej z pandemicznych, ale z drugiej strony siedzenie w domu mogło sprzyjać malowaniu figurek na masową skalę biorąc pod uwagę, że w niektóre sklepy w związku ze wspomnianą pandemią nie sprowadzały naszych ukochanych miniaturek, więc trzeba było zadowolić się tym co na stanie, albo (o zgrozo!) nic nie kupować.  Sam w sumie mało publikowałem, łącznie z tym postem wyszło ich razem 21. Nie ukrywam, nie chciało mi się po prostu. Po upadku zainteresowania Warmachine w Polsce, do którego oprócz dziwnych ruchów PP i ich żenującego łańcucha zaopatrzeniowego przyłożyła się oczywiście pandemia, zniechęciłem się do malowania. Brak celu zabija potrzebę.  Dużo jednak miałem czasu na siedzenie w domu i myślenie o różnych sprawach i doszedłem do kilku wniosków:  Składanie figurek mnie irytuje. Zmusiłem się w okresie wakacyjnym do złożenia kilku pudeł Cygnaru, które mi zalegały na półce. Czyszczenie, klejenie i późniejsze po...

2nd Life Guards Regiment 1815

 Hello friends,  so I have been painting a small present for a friend that's interested in the Waterloo battle. I got a free sprue of the Household Brigade in one of the Wargames Illustrated magazines and so the decision had been made. After some research around the web for good examples of the uniforms I managed to paint this little diorama.

Dassault Super Mystère B2 1/600 scale

 Hello friends,  I continue to work on my 1/600 airplanes. I have managed to paint 4 more planes for the Israeli Air Force in their camouflage adopted after the Six Days War. I have tried to paint the planes belonging to the 105th Scorpion Squadron of the IAF, yet without the large yellow identification panels on the wings. Models manufactured by Tumbling Dice  Decals from Flight Dech Decals

Dassault Mirage III 1/600 scale

 Hello friends,  lately I have been undertaking a foray into some smaller scales and air combat during the numerous Cold War era conflicts. First up are some Arab-Israeli Wars. I got some planes from Tumbling Dice  including Dessault Mirage III planes used by the Israeli Air Force. They come in a pack of 4. Here's my take at the 119th squadron "The Bat". The decals come from Flight Deck Decals and I must say they are damn good.

Missiles 1/600 scale

 Hello friend, Today some missiles for the 1/600 scale Missile Threat or Airwar C21 games. I made 10 of them from pipe cleaners. 

Warheim Goblins

 Hello friends, some more goblins for my Warheim Fantasy Skirmish band.  Enjoy!

Empress Miniatures Marines Vietnam 1968

 Hello friends, recently I got some Empress Miniatures Marines from the time of the Vietnam War. To be more precise from the Tet Offensive of 1968. I did try to paint them at my best but sadly this is not really seen on the pictures. After 45min of trying to catch the right camera adjustments I simply gave up. So, I only post one photo of these guys. I must say I love this miniatures and hope to paint more soon. 

Warheim Madcap Shaman

 Hello friends,  I have painted another miniature for the Warheim Fantasy Skirmish game. This time a Madcap Shaman from Games Workshop. Painted him pink because why not? Enjoy.

Warmachine Eilish Garrity the Occultist

 Hello friends, cleaning of the back log continues with another long forgotten miniature painted. Eilish was an freebie with one of the last No Quarter magazines that Privateer Press used to publish. Cool miniature with one but big flaw. His face is a miscast.  An arcanist, scholar, and experienced sellsword, Eilish Garrity of the Black River Irregulars mercenary company now walks a dangerous road to power. Those who confront him in battle discover that his scholarly demeanor belies his potent arcane skill—which some suggest was earned through nefarious means. He insists he is wielding his power for the greater good, though it seems a dark path he treads. Enjoy!

Warmachine Mercenaries Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorcerer

Hello friends, I have painted Lanyssa, she was sitting on the shelf for a while waiting for some color.  As for her fluff... Lanyssa was a prodigal sorceress who proved just as adept with the magic of her people as she did fighting with a claymore in hand. She feels both fortunate and guilty for having been away from her homeland during the cataclysm invoked by Thagrosh's rise. Now, after facing the horror that is the Legion of Everblight, she has vowed to spend her power to annihilate this enemy. Enjoy!

Warheim Orc

Hello friends,  as promised more Warheim stuff. This time we get an orc with a shield and grin. He is probably smiling because of the hand he managed to nail to his shield. The hand started to rot, but still makes the orc happy as a... 

Warheim Goblin Fanatic

Hello friends,  long time has passed since we visited the Warheim FS miniatures but this will change in the upcoming months. First miniature up is this cute little focker with a ball strapped to a chain.

Team Yankee French 20mm Gazelle

Hello friends,  so after a long time after being painted I managed to stick on the decals to the next 4 Gazelle helicopters which I have armed with a 20mm cannon. A small celebration with this post is that I have finished all my Team Yankee French models. :) 

Team Yankee Mirage 5 Hunting Patrol

Hello friends, I have managed to paint four Mirage 5 supersonic attack aircrafts for Team Yankee French forces.