Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community.
Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes.
Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes.
Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press
- Insider 08-28-2018 Art Insight Supreme Guardian,
- Insider 31-08-2018 The Fire & The Forge Vol. 1 The Betrayer,
- Farewell to No Quarter Prime,
- WarRoom PL Boxcars #31 WTC List Discussion,
- Tangential with TseungTsu #11 Trevor Attridge, #12 Johan Dyrling, #13 WTC with Pat, Jake and Tim,
- Muse on Minis MoM's Podcast #347 3d terrain and its effect on the game,
- Battle Driven S3Ep19 with Party Foul,
- Crippled System #247 Not all loot is hunter loot,
- Dark Guidance #44 Now with Premium Content,
- Fear the Swan #10 Cygnar in the WTC,
- Blight Bringers #14 WTC Fund Raiser event and game tricks,
- Line of Sight #56 It's like coming home (Circle CID week 1),
- Combo Smite #202 WTC-Style Battle Report,
- Dominate for Two Tyson on Organizing,
- Not a Real Faction #7 Units and Solos in Crucible Guard,
- Let's Try PoM Harbinger vs Absylonia1,
- Deathclock Dave Gorten vs Maelok,
- Arcane Assist Tanith vs Ashlynn,
- Not Snakes Gaming Hexeris2 vs Zerkova1,
- Moosemachine Sloan vs Zaal2,
- Line of Sight Kaya3 vs Syvestro, Wurmwood vs Zerkova1,
- The Goomba Gamer Aurora vs Skarre3,
- Avatar of Slaughter UKISS Midlands Finals,
- Line of Sight WTC Meta Analysis Protectorate of Menoth,
- Muse on Minis Klaw Goes WTC: Top 10 Teams identified straight outta Belgiumton,
- WarRoom PL WTC Test Stream,
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Miniatures of the week Dahlia and Skarath by Yaum la Machine |
Dzięki za podsumowanie kolejne! Bedzie co w pracy oglądać i czytać :)
OdpowiedzUsuńProszę :)
UsuńTrochę się ta kobra temu fakirowi rozrosła. :D
OdpowiedzUsuńRuska pasza ;)