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Wyświetlanie postów z 2019


Rok 2019 nie był ani rokiem złym ani dobrym jeśli rozprawiamy tu o hobby, a mniemam, że tak właśnie jest. Z jednej strony zakończyłem prowadzenie cotygodniowych podsumowań tego co było się wydarzyło w półświatku Warmachine & Hordes i ograniczyłem swój udział w społeczności do minimum, a z drugiej, co jakby nadal jest pierwszą stroną, ograniczał się samoistnie mój czas na hobby. O ile jeszcze na początku roku malowałem, jak na siebie, całkiem sporo tak z każdym miesiącem ilość pomalowanego metalu/plastiku/żywicy nurkowała w kierunku magicznej liczby zero w zastraszającym tempie. Mogę podać wiele czynników, które wpłynęły na taki, a nie inny opłakany stan mojego poświęcenia hobby w tym roku.  Po pierwsze, przygotowania do zakończonej powodzeniem w maju misji o kryptonimie ślub 1.0 . Muszę przyznać, że chociaż wydarzenie było skromne i w gronie najbliższej rodziny i znajomych to należało sporo przemyśleć i zaplanować.  Po drugie, należało znaleźć po ślubie wspólne lokum ...

Age of Sigmar Celestial Vindicators Lord Relictor & Liberator

Hello friends, a lot of time has passed since I forayed into the world of Age of Sigmar and my huge pile of gray plastic that one day will become an army of Celestial Vindicators. Yet, I have managed to finish another Liberator and a Lord Relictor. I have also discovered that most of the post connected to Games Workshop miniatures begin with something like It's been a while or a lot of time has passed etc. That might change but may not. We shall see. Enjoy the painted figures and drop a comment if you like. Cheers.

Warmachine Cygnar Trench Buster

Hello Friends, so two Trench Buster painted in the Caspian Jailbirds color scheme are finally here.

Team Yankee AMX-30/AMX AuF1

Hello Friends, today I want to show you my finished AMX-30 tanks that thanks to removable turret can become the AMX AuF1 artillery. I have painted 3 of them from the Durand's Devils box.

Warmachine Cygnar Captain Jonas Murdoch

Hello friends, Captain Jonas Murdoch got some paint. Caspian Jailbirds scheme.

Warmachine Mercenaries Lady Aiyana & Master Holt

Hello friends, two more miniatures painted for Warmachine & Hordes.

Desert Rats 1940-1942 Compass 1

Hello friends,  let's play Desert Rats 1940-1942 by Taktyka & Strategia. The game uses the Great Battles 1939-1945 system with one hex representing 5km of terrain. The game is played at at a scale ranging from company to as far as a division. Today I want to play the Compass 1 scenario which depicts the British, Indian and Australian attack on the Italians defending mostly around Sidi Barrani. The Italians start the game fortified. In reality they actually tried the static defense.  The map and the box All of the victory points locations Initial setup Turn 1 The British launch their attacks. Selby Battle Group goes for Maktila defended by 1st Libyan Division. Brits have some naval support in their favor. Around Nibeiwa the 7th Armored Division hits the Maletti Group while the 7 Royal Tank Regiment with the 4th Indian Division attack the positions occupied by the 2nd Libyan Division. To the West the Recon Regiment moved toward Sofafi in hope to capture it ...

Team Yankee AMX Roland SAM Battery

Hello friends, so I got into Team Yankee recently and after putting some basecoats on all the models I bought.... I decided to slowly start painting them up to a playable standard. Here's my first 15mm attempt.

Warmachine Cygnar Avenger/Centurion/Hammersmith

Hello Friends, after a way too much time I finally finished 4 boxes of the Avenger/Centurion/Hammersmith heavy warjacks. All of them are magnetized so I can choose what to play. Not you Avenger. Enjoy!

Decision Games Khe Sahn 1968

Hello friends, so lately I picked up a copy of Decision Games' Khe Sahn 1968 solitaire game using the rules of the Cold War Blitz system . It's a small, simple yet entertaining game. The game's specific rules can be found here . If you want to know more about the battle itself you can for example watch this video: So, the game is set. I need to hold Khe Sahn Fire Base until the end of the game. Here we go... First turn I decide to play Fire Support card which costs me one turn but strengthens the firepower of my units in or adjacent to allied fire bases. The plan is to take out the Communist entrenchments around Khe Sahn. Entrenchments 689 and 471 our primary targets this turn. Well, it's my second play and I already see that the air strikes can be too powerful against OPFOR units. After the first round of air strikes I have managed to wipe out 4 enemy units while losing one step on one of the air strikes. Entrenchment 471 secured. After the gr...