Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community.
Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes.
Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes.
Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press
- Insider 07-17-2018 Concept to Crate Gastone Crossebones,
- Developer Hangout CID Retribution,
- Crippled System #244 Surprise Birthday for Quato,
- Battle Driven S3Ep14 Listener questions Ret Cid,
- Tangential with TseungTsu #7 the pilot episode for a podcast to be named later,
- House Shyeel Podcasters S3Ep1 Retribution CID,
- Monsters & Mechanics #0 A rough pilot, #1 Cyrenia and Thyron, #2 Tournament talk, Kreoss3, Durst & Lukas,
- MoM's Podcast #346 various topics,
- Fully Boosted #88 Listener Questions,
- Blight Bringers #10 Legion support models,
- TDH60M #110 The best part is the popsicle at the end,
- Dominate for Two Who's the Beatdown,
- Deathclock Dave Gorten vs Locke,
- Not Snakes Gaming Asphyxious1 vs Butcher1,
- The Goomba Gamer Locke vs Irusk2,
- Mr Malorian Bart vs Anamag,
- Feat Fetish Damiano vs Hexeris2,
- Brutal Damage Madrak1 vs Morvahna1,
- Let's Try PoM Harbinger vs Harkevich, Harbinger vs Absylonia2,
- Falcone Five Kromac2 vs Fyanna2,
- Avatar of Slaughter NWTC Tournament Report,
- Line of Sight Hobby Time: Red Glow and Obsidian,
- Formula P3 Presents Ghostly Gastonne Crossebones, G.U.A.R.D. Metallic Blue,
- WarRoom PL Painting Caine0 part 2,
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Miniature of the week Imperatus by Pooky's Painting Palace |
Dzięki za kolejne posumowanie! Oprócz Voromira, jedyne na jakie czekam :)
OdpowiedzUsuńDzięki Michał 😉
UsuńPo pierwsze, jeśli FB nie kłamie to wszystkiego najlepszego! Zdrowia! :)
OdpowiedzUsuńPo drugie, co to za Eldar w podsumowaniu? ;)
Dzięki :) a eldar to chyba jedyny nieklepany jack retrybucji...