Hello all, time for a
new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes
Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes.
Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes.
Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press
- Insider 5-23-2017 Lock & Load,
- Insider 5-25-2017 Reinholdt caricature,
- Primecast #44 Trenchers are coming :)
- Come Paint with us! - Lock & Load Gamefest 2017
- Party Foul #3 Worst Warlock,
- Crippled System #198 Guardians Spoilers, #199 The Incredible Alien Covenant,
- Advanced Maneuvers Turn Extension #34 Shut up and play,
- Painting with Menoth John #156 Charity within the WMH Community & JohnCon 2017,
- Combo Smite #158 Southern Ontario Open Wrap up with Tom Banky,
- The Storm Chamber #20 Wales Shark,
- Dark Guidance #23 Misguided Fun Carriage Abuse,
- Beermachine #52 even more beer :)
- WarRoomPL Boxcars #15 Meta analysis with Jarle Svendsrud
- Scrumcast #10 vs Beermachine
- Enter the Crucible Bonus Fluffisode,
- TDH60M #77 Fraiser vs Fundraising,
Battle Reports/Raporty Bitewne
- Arcane Assist Sloan vs Reznik2,
- Combo Smite Calandra vs Hexeris1, Kallus2 vs Makeda3, Doomy2 vs Ashlynn,
- A Trencher's Life Sloan vs Krueger1,
- The Mighty Die Borka1 vs Kaelyssa1, Maddox vs Mohsar1,
- Moosemachine Deneghra1 vs Terminus,
- Courage of Caspia Haley2 vs Ossrum, Haley2 vs Ossrum,
- Druid's Dice Tanith vs Thagrosh1,
- WarRoomPL Caine3 vs Abby1 (PL), Caine3 vs Abby1 (PL), Haley2 vs Twins (PL), Caine3 vs Lylyth3 (PL), Caine3 vs Twins
- Combo Smite Strakhov2 vs Doomy3, Ossrum vs Garryth,
- Advanced Maneuvers Xerxis1 vs Vyros1,
- Druid's Dice State of the Faction (1/5) Cirlce Warlocks, State of the Faction (2/5) Circle Warbeasts, State of the Faction (3/5) Circle Units, State of the Faction (4/5) Circle Solos and the Fulcrum, State of the Faction (5/5) Conclusion,
- WMH for Beginners Warcaster Focus: Harbinger of Menoth, Warcaster Focus: Malekus, the Brurning Truth,
- Formula P3 Presents Painting Skorne Armor - Red
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Miniatures of the week Legion of Everblight by Justin Clarke |
21 czyli oczko. A oczko temu trolu wcale nie wypadło. Super ze ci sie chce i mam nadzieje ze trafia to do wszystkich fanatyków W&H.
OdpowiedzUsuńSprawia mi to przyjemność, a zarazem jakoś trzyma mnie w ryzach :)
UsuńPisanie zestawień jest fajne, porządkuje tydzień :)
UsuńZgadza się :)
UsuńAs I am retaking warmahordes, I´m eager to see more of your updates!! :D
OdpowiedzUsuńEnjoy :) if you have some spare time you can browse through the older ones :)