Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes.
Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press
- Insider 5-18-2017 Hobby blog
- Countercharge #13 Dark Host Theme Force,
- 4Man Meta S2Ep10 Chad's Beard ;-)
- Painting with Menoth John #155 New Play Special - Getting into Wargaming
- Party Foul #2 Southern Ontario Open
- Fully Boosted #42 Ghost Fleet
- Deff Head Dice TrollbloodScrum Live 2017 #9 Adeptivon Wrap-up, #10 A Con named SOO, #11 War Wagon CID and Fennblades,
Battle Reports/Raporty Bitewne
- Arcane Assist Thexus vs Stryker2,
- Druid's Dice Harbinger of Menoth vs Absylonia2, Mohsar vs Severius2 and Vindictus vs Rasheth, Vindictus vs Malekus, Vindictus vs Rhyas,
- Courage of Caspia Haley2 vs Deneghra1, Sloan vs Krueger2, Haley2 vs Elara2, Haley2 vs Thexus, Sloan vs Baldur2, Haley2 vs Iron Mother, Haley2 vs Iron Mother,
- Moosemachine Ossrum vs Zaal2, Vindictus vs Calandra, Grim2 vs Damiano, Deneghra vs Damiano,
- Mr Malorian Caine1 vs Doomy2, Caine1 vs Gunnbjorn, Caine1 vs Sevy2,
- The Mighty Die Nemo3 vs Rahn,
- Lost Hemisphere May Blisters from Privateer pt. 1 (the non-Skorney bits),
- Druid's Dice Dojo Day - The New Tuna,
- Courage of Caspia Thoughts on the current meta,
- Mr Malorian OTT: Naaresh by Maldorian, OTT: The best players lose,
- Party Foul Stepper Tokens, Hills and Elevation,
- Deff Head Dice Battle for Breath 2017 promo,
- Formula P3 Presents Painting Skorne Armor Gold,
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Miniature of the week Archangel by The Art of Wargaming: Miniature Painting Studio |
Miniature of the week wygląda przekozaczo!
OdpowiedzUsuńPomalował świetnie :)
UsuńBogate zestawienie ciekawych linków :)
OdpowiedzUsuńPoprzeglądam do kawki - dzięki. Filmiki P3 są całkiem ciekawe.
OdpowiedzUsuńAleż proszę :-) zupełnie inna filozofia malowania niż GW