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Wyświetlanie postów z wrzesień, 2017

Warmachine & Hordes Podsumowanie tygodnia #38 / Warmachine & Hordes chosen of the week #38

 Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community. Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine &  Hordes. Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press Insider 09-18-2017 Disciples of Agony Theme, Insider 09-18-2017 Trencher CID Dynamic Update, Insider 09-20-2017 Preparing your models, Insider 09-22-2017 Slaughter Fleet Raiders, Weekly Rumble: Company of Iron Podcasts/Podkasty Advanced Maneuvers Turn Extension #46 Competitive vs Casual Debate , WarRoomPL Boxcars #19 WTC Meta Discussion pt2 , Line of Sight #13 Listener Question Marathonisode , Combo Smite #172 Retribution Tournament Reports , Party Foul WTC Discussion and more , Crippled System #212 The Final of Fantasy , Battle Driven S2Ep2 Facebook topics , Battle Reports/Raporty Bitewne Combo Smite Midas vs Bartolo , Issyria vs Testament , Druid's Dice The Wanderer vs Testament , The Heretic vs Butcher3 , The Wan...

Warmachine Cygnar Major Katherine Laddermore

Hello friends, so I am currently working on a commission for a friend but I had to finish Major Katherine Laddermore since she has been sitting on my paint desk for two week now. Here she is. In the game she is a dragoon model so when you manage to take down all the boxes from her mounted version you still have to deal with the dismounted one. Cześć i czołem, pracuję aktualnie nad projektem dla kolegi, ale musiałem skończyć w końcu Major Katherine Laddermore, które stała na moim biurku już drugi tydzień. Oto i ona. W grze jest dragonem co oznacza mniej więcej tyle, że jak pozbędziemy się jej wersji konnej to trzeba utłuc jeszcze wersję pieszą.

Warmachine & Hordes Podsumowanie tygodnia #37 / Warmachine & Hordes chosen of the week #37

 Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community. Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine &  Hordes. Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press Insider 09-11-2017 Mini Crate concepts, Insider 09-13-2017 Art direction process for Skorne Command, Insider 09-15-2017 Black Industries, Podcasts/Podkasty TD60M #88a Deathclock Fight Night Bylak vs Schweizer , #88b Deathclock Fight Night Bylak vs Schweizer Aftermath , #89 James vs Weapons & Paint Sticks . Crippled System #211 various topics , Fully Boosted #54 Tim Banky and the 2017WTC , Arcane Assist Turn Extension #45 August CID with Gaston , Deff Head Dice Trollblood Scrum Live! #20 We're not mopey! Party Foul Black Industries New Cryx Theme , Battle Driven S2Ep1 The Comeback , Line of Sight #12 The Meta-Sode , Battle Reports/Raporty Bitewne Druid's Dice The Heretic vs The Dreamer , The Heretic vs The King of N...


Hello there, so I have painted this mausoleum from Multiverse Gaming Terrain . I tried to match it more or less with the gaming mat. Cześć i czołem, pomalowałem takie oto mauzoleum od Multiverse Gaming Terrain . Starałem się, żeby pasowało do maty, na której zresztą stoi.

Warmachine Flags

Hello friends, so I made this flags for Warmachine & Hordes. They are set on a 40mm base. I used some cork, different sizes of sand and flags from Kromlech . Enjoy! Cześć i czołem, popełniłem takie oto flagi do Warmachine & Hordes. Podstawka 40mm, korek, piasek różnej gradacji flagi od Kromlech . Miłego!

Warmachine Cygnar Chargers

Hello friends, back to painting Warmachine. Today I want to show you two Charger light jacks. These are the classic sculpts as Privateer Press calls them. I must say I find them better than the new plastic one which I have painted some time ago and which you can see here . Cześć i czołem, powrót do malowania Warmachine. Dzisiaj przedstawiam Wam dwa lekkie jacki jakimi są Chargery. Są to stare metalowe klasyczne rzeźby jak nazywa je Privateer Press. Muszę przyznać, że leżą mi bardziej niż nowa edycja plastikowa. Plastikowego chargera pomalowałem jakiś czas temu, co widać na zdjęciach dostępnych tutaj .

Warmachine & Hordes Podsumowanie tygodnia #36 / Warmachine & Hordes chosen of the week #36

 Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community. Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine &  Hordes. Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press Insider 09-05-2017 Armored Korps, Insider 09-07-2017 Rotten Bounty begins, Podcasts/Podkasty WarRoomPL Boxcars #18 Iron Moot pt2 , Line of Sight #11 Team Tournament exTravaganza , Crippled System #210 Cancelled because of lack of interest , Beermachine #55 Adam's last episode and beer , Countercharge #17 Wisconsin Team Tournament Recap , Muse on Minis MoM's Podcast #325 CID Stuff , Party Foul Summer is over , Murder of Crows #32 We want MOOT news , Battle Reports/Raporty Bitewne Arcane Assit Xerxis1 vs Absylonia2 , LuckGod84 35pts Rumble Tournament , Jarl vs Haley3 , Druid's Dice Ashlynn D'Elyse vs Xerxis2 , King of Nothing vs Kozlov , King of Nothing vs Karchev , The Heretic vs Thexus , Not Snakes Gaming Saery...

Warmachine & Hordes Podsumowanie tygodnia #35 / Warmachine & Hordes chosen of the week #35

 Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community. Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine &  Hordes. Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press Insider 08-28-2017 Pirates! Insider 08-31-2017 CoC Theme, Podcasts/Podkasty Enter the Crucible Presents: Manifest Skornergy #1 , Lost Aspect #21 Gen Con and WiTC , Chasing the Dragonfather #8 Edge of SR2017 , Combo Smite #170 Team Canada Fundraiser Tournament , Fully Boosted #53 Dynamic update, CID, Theme Forces , TDH60M #87 Josh Bates vs Menoth , Muse on Minis MoM's Podcast #324 Talion WiTC Bat Reps, Not a Real Faction #1 Christmas CID , Advanced Maneuvers Turn Extension #44 Did you just cheat? , Line of Sight #10 Theme Force Themeisode , Battle Reports/Raporty Bitewne The Mighty Die Nemo3 vs Butcher3 ,  Doomshaper2 vs Reznik2 , Arcane Assist The Dreamer vs Haley2 , WarRoomPL Coven vs Sevvy2 , Caine3 vs Una2 , ...