Hello all, a second summary published on this blog focuses on what was happening on the blog during March 2016. So I have managed to get 8 post online including this one. It was a month of historical miniatures that's for sure. I managed to paint some Cygnar units but also Wehrmacht grenadiers from BOLT Action and Vikings for SAGA were soaking up paint. I fiddled with some terrain and also started to paint a Tactical Squad of Dark Angels from the Dark Vengeance box and another one is planned for this half of the year since I have two. Plans for April include: completing the Tactical Squad, painting more Vikings and Cygnar, maybe some terrain, but we shall see. So let's get started with the pictures! Cześć i czołem, drugie podsumowanie miesiąca na tym blogu skupia się na marcu roku pańskiego 2016. Kilka słów wstepu. Udało mi się opublikować osiem postów, wliczając ten. Miesiąc zdecydowanie należał do figurek historycznych. Udało się jednak pomalować dwie figurki do Cygn...
A blog about figures