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Wyświetlanie postów z grudzień, 2018

Warmachine & Hordes Podsumowanie tygodnia #104/ Warmachine & Hordes chosen of the week #104

Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community. Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes. Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press Insider 28-12-2018 Many Thanks! Podcasts/Podkasty Disciples of Agony #4 Gun with the Wild , Tactical Tips #6 The Mailbag , House Shyeel Christmas Cast, now with more listener questions , Battle reports/Raporty Bitewne WarRoom PL  Vayl1 vs Morghoul2 , Brutal Damage  Rahn1 vs Xerxis1 , Madrak1 vs Garryth1 , Moment of Clarity   Sturm & Drang vs Kallus1 , Old Witch3 vs Zaal1 , Ghyrrshyld's Return Elara2 vs Syvestro , Bless My Wold Iona1 vs Sloan1 , B logs/Blogi Moment of Clarity Cornucopia CID , Ice Axe Miniatures Last year's resolutions... Misc/Różności Miniature of the week Loot Crate Gastone by The Art of Wargaming: Miniature Painting Studio

Warmachine & Hordes Podsumowanie tygodnia #103/ Warmachine & Hordes chosen of the week #103

Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community. Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes. Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press Insider  17-12-2018  December 2018 Dynamic Update is Live, Insider  18-12-2018  Concept to Crate Ice Queen Lanyssa, Insider 20-12-2018 Kickstarting the art of Privateer Press, Insider 21-12-2018 Ghosts of Christmas Past, Infernals of Christmas Future, Podcasts/Podkasty Blight Makes Right #4 Assassination Threat , Line of Sight #67 Warmachine Organized Play , Crippled System  #260 Jeremy's Poop Schedule , Chain Attack #131 Christmas Special , Combo Smite #212 Steelhead CIDhead discussion , Dark Guidance #49 Circle Twerk , Dominate for Two Transitioning to Competitive , Battle reports/Raporty Bitewne WarRoom PL Abby1 vs Morg3 , Abby1 vs Morg3 , Zaal1 vs Dreamer , Thargosh2 vs Goreshade4 , Old Witch3 vs Reznik2...

Warmachine & Hordes Podsumowanie tygodnia #102/ Warmachine & Hordes chosen of the week #102

Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community. Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes. Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press Insider  14-12-2018  Winter Rampage arrives soon, Insider 14-12-2018 Blight also rises #3 In darkness bound, Dev Hangout  List building , Steelhead CID pt1 , Steelhead CID pt2 , Podcasts/Podkasty Disciples of Agony #3 Straight outta Swampton , Crippled System  #259 Mogwaicide , Tactical Tips 2.0 #5 Syvestro in Magnum Opus , Retresent #0 Kaelyssa's Mirror , Battle Driven S3Ep28 games and questions , House Shyeel WTC chat and dynamic update talk , Fully Boosted #99 Mystery Boxes, Steelhead CID, PP 2019 , Tsangential with TseungTsu Time travelling John , #17 Sven Doch , Battle reports/Raporty Bitewne Arcane Assist  Vlad1 vs Thargosh2 , Brutal Damage  Feora2 vs Thargosh1 & Krueger2 vs Thexus, , Moment ...

Alien vs Predator USCM Sergeant

Hello friends, my second miniature for AvP. Cześć i czołem, druga zmalowana figurka do AvP.

Warmachine & Hordes Podsumowanie tygodnia #101/ Warmachine & Hordes chosen of the week #101

Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community. Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes. Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press Insider  06-12-2018  A gaze into 2019, Dev Hangout Steelhead CID , Primecast Live 12/07/2018 , Podcasts/Podkasty Party Foul  Bottom of the Barrel and whole game development , Combo Smite #211 The Tangential-a-sode , Foul Beer Party Machine The Sky is Falling , Chain Attack  #129 Community Builders , Crippled System  #258 McCarthy, You Got Failed! , Pillars of Salt #3 Walk on the Wild Side , Blight Makes Right #3 List building and pairings , Line of Sight #65 Listener Questions December 2018 , #66 Las Vegas Open 2019 , Advanced Maneuvers Matter of Pact #34 Spraysgiving 2019 , Blight Bringers #24 Building your local meta , Battle reports/Raporty Bitewne Arcane Assist  The Child vs Goreshade4 , Brutal Dam...

Warmachine & Hordes Podsumowanie tygodnia #100/ Warmachine & Hordes chosen of the week #100

Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community. Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes. Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press Insider 27-11-2018 List Building with Dawnguard Trident Podcasts/Podkasty Blight Bringers  #22 Bokur Brawl tournament , #23 Kaiju List with huge bases , Party Foul Khadoom-Huge Base Discussion , Chain Attack  #128 Aiakaos2 and Madrak1 , Crippled System  #257 We lost you in the first 2 minutes , Tactical Tips #4 Anamag, Primal Terrors , Battle reports/Raporty Bitewne Arcane Assist  Rasheth vs Lucas , Warroom PL  Morvahna1 vs Krueger2 ,  Kraye vs Siege2 ,  Krueger2 vs Butcher1 , Zaal1 vs Vayl1 , Xerxis2 vs Vayl1 , Deathclock Dave  Morvahna1 vs Xerxis2 , WarGamer Girl Trolls vs Grymkin COI , Brutal Damage  Thargosh1 vs Thyron1 , Monment of Clarity   Two games before Polish Champions...