Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community. Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine & Hordes. Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press Insider 06-19-2018 Shrine of the Lawgiver List Building, Fires of War 2018 , Lock & Load GameFest 2018 Keynote , The Super Metallics - Learn from Us , Faction Teaser 2018 , Podcasts/Podkasty Crippled System #240 Gummi Saver Goop , Tangential with Tseng Tsu #3 Gonzo , Blight Bringers #7 Anamag & Vayl2 , Fear the Swan #6 Cygnar Themes , Signs & Portents #12 why they play their factions , TDH60M #109 Matt & Bubba vs Armored Core , Battle reports/Raporty Bitewne WarRoom PL Twins vs Jaga Jaga , Harbinger vs Barnabas2 , Feat Fetish Damiano vs Jakes2 , Let's Try PoM Harbinger vs Wanderer , Deathclock Dave Harbinger vs Orion , Gaspy3 vs Krueger2 , Orion vs Dreamer , B logs...
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