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Wyświetlanie postów z kwiecień, 2018

Warmachine Cygnar Ol'Rowdy

Hello friends, today I want to show you a character heavy warjack Ol'Rowdy. He is an old jack that is bonded with Stryker. In a nutshell he does have some anger managment issues that Stryker knows how to control. Enjoy! Cześć i czołem, dzisiaj chciałbym pokazać was charakternego ciężkiego warjacka Ol'Rowdy'ego. Jest to stara maszyna, a właściwie cortex, który jest związany ze Strykerem . W skrócie, ma on lekkie problemy z agresją, które umie opanować właśnie Stryker. Miłego!

Warmachine & Hordes Podsumowanie tygodnia #69 / Warmachine & Hordes chosen of the week #69

Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community. Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine &  Hordes. Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press Insider  04-24-2018  Getting the most mileage out of the Man-O-War Charriots, Insider  04-26-2018  Armored Corps Dynamic Update Live, Insider 04-27-2018 Caster Draft 2018 Dev Hangout  Exemplar CID , Podcasts/Podkasty TDH60M #104 Chris Orr vs SOO Themes , Advanced Maneuvers Turn Extension #63 Fantastical Slayers and how to fight them , Line of Sight #43 Warmachine Social Media Survival Guide , The Meta #9 Grymkin with Pat Dunford , Signs and Portents #9 Car Dojo , Dark Guidance #27 Vlad is the Oprah of Warmachine , Battle Driven S3Ep3 Cryx and BAHI , Dominate for Two KingdomCon Recap , Fear the Swan #4 Haley3 builds , Party Foul The New Khador , Muse on Minis MoM's Podcast #340 how to learn from losses , ...

Warmachine Cygnar Major Prime Victoria Haley

Hello friends, today I want to show you Major Prime Victoria Haley, better know as Haley3. She can summon echoes representing her past and future. Enjoy! Cześć i czołem dzisiaj Major Prime Victoria Haley, lepiej znana jako Haley3. Może przywołać echa swojej przeszłości i przyszłości. Miłego!

Warmachine & Hordes Podsumowanie tygodnia #68 / Warmachine & Hordes chosen of the week #68

Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community. Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine &  Hordes. Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press Insider  04-17-2018 IK RPG Blighted Ogrun Adventuring Company, Insider  04-19-2018 Sculpting Severa and Axiara Dev Hangout  Journeyman Warcasters and more , Weekly Rumble Company of Iron , Podcasts/Podkasty Advanced Maneuvers Turn Extension #62 Current List Dojo , WarRoom PL Boxcars #33 Tournament Preparation , The Meta #7 with Bret Fogel , Battle Driven S3Ep2 SOO Recap , Muse on Minis MoM's Podcast #339 Nemo3 and Jr's , Dominate for Two Burgers and Cheese Dreams , Party Foul Theme Discussion , Line of Sight #42 Riding the Dark Horse , Battle reports/Raporty Bitewne Deathclock Dave Kallus2 vs Magnus2 , Bradigus vs Grissel1 , Maelok vs Venethrax , Not Snakes Gaming Maelok vs Haley3 , Mr Malorian Skaverous vs J...

Warmachine & Hordes Podsumowanie tygodnia #67 / Warmachine & Hordes chosen of the week #67

Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community. Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine &  Hordes. Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press Insider  04-10-2018  Concept to Crate Mrs. Walls, Insider  04-12-2018  The better part of valor, Dev Hangout  Crucible Guard , Weekly Rumble Company of Iron , Primecast Podcasts/Podkasty Advanced Maneuvers Turn Extension #61 Whose Caster is it anyways , WarRoom PL Boxcars #32 Steam Storm Masters , Line of Sight #41 Bret answers listener questions , Not a Real Faction Not a Real Episode , Muse on Minis MoM's Podcast #338 Jr Warcasters & why you shouldn't concede , The Meta #5 Mercs in WMH , Signs & Portents #8 Cryx , The 2018 State of the Game address, Fear the Swan #3 Nemo3 changes, Caine0 , Tactical Tips #6 Grymkin pt1 , Dominate for Two Bonus dojo with Adam , Crippled System #233 Cygnar Pain Tr...

Warmachine & Hordes Podsumowanie tygodnia #66 / Warmachine & Hordes chosen of the week #66

Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community. Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine &  Hordes. Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press Insider  04-03-2018 First Shot Preview, Insider  04-05-2018 Northkin Unleashed on the IKRPG, Dev Hangout  Journeyman Warcasters , Podcasts/Podkasty Advanced Maneuvers Matter of Pact #26 Hashtag Options , Turn Extension #60 JUSTin Du It - Adepticon Protectorate Run , TDH60M #104 Matt C and Ben vs SOO , Crippled System #232 Jurassic Farce , Battle Driven S3Ep1 New Season , Party Foul Community , Muse on Minis Miami #6 various topics , Tactical Tips #5 Dominik and Turtles , Dominate for Two Comprehensive Pairs and Dodging , Glory & Coin #25 The new contract , The Meta #3 Legion pt1 , Battle reports/Raporty Bitewne Mr Malorian Magnus2 vs Kraye , Wargaming with LuckGod Kaelyssa vs Siege1 ,  DeathclockDav...

Warmachine Cygnar Patrol Dog

Hello friends, today I want to show you a patrol dog for my Cygnar. Enjoy! Cześć i czołem, dzisiaj pieseł patrolowy do Cygnaru. Miłego!

Warmachine & Hordes Podsumowanie tygodnia #65 / Warmachine & Hordes chosen of the week #65

Hello all, time for a new portion of chosen of the week from the Warmachine & Hordes community. Cześć i czołem, czas na kolejne podsumowanie tygodnia Warmachine &  Hordes. Privateer Press News/Nowości od Privateer Press Insider  03-27-2018  Concepting the Crucible Guard Colors, Insider  03-29-2018  Building a Blockhouse, Dev Hangout  Adepticon 2018 Recap , Podcasts/Podkasty Advanced Maneuvers Turn Extension #59 Mini Psychology , Moosemachine TDH60M #104 Matt vs Champions , WarRoom PL Boxcars #31 Primal Arc Krakow Masters , Signs & Portents  #7 Retribution , The Meta  #001 Cryx pt1 , Muse on Minis  Miami S2 Ep5 Primal Terrors CID , Fully Boosted  #77 Tim Banky & Borka2 , Fear the Swans  #2 Adepticon recap and SOO , Tactical Tips  #4 Understanding Matchups , Dominate for Two  Exit Strategy , Trollblood Scrum UK #1 new show , Dark Guidance #36 Hostile takeover , Line of Sight #40 B...